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发布人员:网站管理员 新闻来源:互联网 发布日期:2016-06-18 12:30:55


The South China Sea Issue: Stop Stirring the Clean Water

来源:搜狐教育  英文巴士   整理:福建英语翻译公司

中国驻利比里亚大使  张越

H.E. Mr. Zhang Yue, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to the Republic of Liberia



It is reported that the so-called “award” will soon be issued by the South China Sea Arbitral Tribunal established at the unilateral request of the Philippines. China has declared its solemn position of non-acceptance of and non-participation in the arbitration, and will stay committed to settling the relevant disputes with the Philippines in the South China Sea through bilateral negotiation.


To help people get to know the truth, I would like to share with Liberian readers the background information of the said arguments about the South China Sea Issue in terms of its history, current situation as well as the Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China on Settling Disputes Between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea Through Bilateral Negotiation.



As for the Philippines’ South China Sea arbitration, the root cause of the issue is the invasion and illegal occupation by certain countries of some islands and reefs of China’s Nansha Islands. The Nansha islands have been China’s territory since ancient times. Successive Chinese governments have been exercising continuous jurisdiction over the islands and relevant waters by means of administrative management, military patrol, production and business operation and maritime rescue. Though during the World War II, Japan occupied Nansha Islands, China, as the victor of the war against Japanese aggression, finally recovered the islands according to international law and also international instruments such as the Cairo Declaration and Potsdam Proclamation. In the decades that followed, many countries recognized that the Nansha Islands belong to China and not a single country raised objection.



The western border of the territory of the Philippines, according to several related treaties and documents, is at 118 degrees east longitude. China’s islands and reefs in the South China Sea are all located west of that line. However, since the early 1970s, the Philippines pursued their territorial expansion by invading and occupying 8 islands and reefs of the China’s Nansha. The Philippines’ illegal territorial claims constitute the violation of China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, in disregard of historical facts and international treaties. What is more, ignoring the fact that China and the Philippines have already reached understanding to resolve relevant disputes in South China Sea through bilateral negotiation, and China have excluded compulsory settlement proceedings in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), the Philippines unilaterally initiated the South China Sea arbitration in January 2013 in an attempt to deny China’s territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests and to cover up its invasion and illegal occupation of some islands and reefs of China’s Nansha Islands.



It’s also noticed that some accused China of the peaceful construction on some islands and reefs of the Nansha as “militarization” and “threat” to the freedom of navigation and overflight. It’s true that China has been conducting development activities on its own territories. In fact, some countries have conducted their development activities on some islands and reefs illegally taken from China in this area at a much earlier time. What China has built focuses on making available civil services and providing international public goods, which will neither affect the freedom of navigation and overflight in the South China Sea, nor damage the marine ecosystem, let alone resulting in so-called “militarization”.



As for the argument that China has controlled the strategic sea lane in the South China Sea, it can’t hold water at all when confronted with the facts. China has been always honoring and maintaining the freedom of navigation and overflight in the South China Sea enjoyed by all countries in accordance with the international laws. Thanks to the concerted efforts by China and neighboring countries, the international shipping lane in the South China Sea stays unimpeded, flourishes with trade and benefits all countries concerned. However, some external countries, often in the disguise of upholding the freedom of navigation, send military vessels and airplanes approaching and even entering into the waters and air space close to the related islands and reefs of China’s Nansha Islands only to flex its military muscle. They try to stir up tensions among regional countries and interfere in the South China Sea Issue for its own political and military interests. Their actions are the true threats to the freedom of navigation in the South China Sea. China stands firmly against such actions that posed threats to China’s sovereignty and security, abets the militarization of South China Sea and endangers regional peace and stability.



In fact, the current tensions in the South China Sea are totally imposed artificially with an aim of stirring the clean water. It stands for a dangerous tendency constituting a grave threat to the peace and stability of the region and the world as well. Some countries with ulterior motives outside the China South Sea want to muddy the waters in the South China Sea and to destabilize Asia. Some countries try to abuse the UNCLOS as the only standard and deny the principle of territorial sovereignty established under international law, including the UN Charter. They attempt to cover up the fact that they are illegally occupying China’s islands and reefs in the Nansha Islands.



Lies have short legs and truth will always come to light. China’s position is clear and firm, as indicated by the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China issued on June 8,2016 regarding settling disputes between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea through bilateral negotiation. The following is the full text:



Currently, more and more African countries have seen the true colors of the arbitration and rendered their support to China. The international community, especially the developing countries, demonstrates their commitment to the international law, through standing on the side of the victim and justice. The truth cannot be distorted and justice naturally inhabits man’s heart.


 (1)中国驻英国大使刘晓明:停止插手南海事务Stop Meddling in the South China Sea

 (2)中国驻英国大使刘晓明:谁在制造南海紧张局势?Who Is Really Behind the Tensions in the South China Sea?

(3)中国驻阿联酋大使常华:菲律宾南海仲裁案违反国际法理                                     The South China Sea Arbitration Case Initiated by the Philippines Violates International Law 

 (4)中国驻肯尼亚大使刘显法:南海问题:公道自在人心The South China Sea Issue: Justice Naturally Inhabits Man’s Heart

(5)中国驻马尔代夫大使王福康:所谓“南海仲裁案”的真相The Truth of the So-called South China Sea Arbitration 

 (6)中国驻驻以色列大使詹永新:请让事实仲裁  Let the Facts Arbitrate

 (7)中国驻美国大使崔天凯:如何弥合南海问题上的分歧How to Bridge the Divide Over the South China Sea

(8)中国驻利比里亚大使张越:南海清水不容搅浑 The South China Sea Issue: Stop Stirring the Clean Water

(9)中国驻英国大使刘晓明:Stop Playing with Fire in the South China Sea

(10) “南海仲裁案”宣判在即,外媒这样的标题让中国压力有点大

(11)【讲话致辞】南海问题:中国外交部长王毅就所谓南海仲裁庭裁决结果发表谈话Remarks by Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on the Award of the So-called Arbitral Tribunal in the South China Sea Arbitration

(12)【声明宣言】南海问题:中华人民共和国外交部关于应菲律宾共和国请求建立的南海仲裁案仲裁庭所作裁决的声明Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China on the Award of 12 July 2016 of the Arbitral Tribunal in the South China Sea Arbitration Established at the Request of the Republic of the Philippines

(13) 【声明宣言】南海问题:中华人民共和国政府关于在南海的领土主权和海洋权益的声明Statement of the Government of the People’s Republic of China on China’s Territorial Sovereignty and Maritime Rights and Interests in the South China Sea

(14) 【声明宣言】南海问题:中华人民共和国全国人民代表大会外事委员会就菲律宾共和国单方面请求建立的南海仲裁案仲裁庭作出裁决的声明Statement by the Foreign Affairs Committee of China’s National People’s Congress on the Award of the Arbitral Tribunal in the South China Sea Arbitration Established at the Unilateral Request of the Republic of the Philippines

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